Essential Oils

healing plant power at it's finest

You're tired of feeling tired.  You're in luck!  I have just the thing for you.

• what are essential oils •

• how to use •

• why young living •

click to learn more about essential oils

Plants! Oils are distilled from the roots, bark, leaves, and flowers of our beautiful earth to create a sustainable and reliable way to give us individual care. Forget the boxed answers that pretend my needs are just like yours. Designed to work with our bodies, created for our use, intelligent and equipped to get down and get to work on a cellular level in moments the way you need them to because of your history and your current state of health. Never created in labs but highly tested with the most technologically advanced equipment so that every bottle is full of purity and quality. This is our ancestor’s heartfelt, generational knowledge combined with the most cutting edge scientific advancements in wellness to create products you can trust.

What are essential oils?

Let me count the ways. Before you know it, you’ll be wearing them as perfume, diffusing them to fill your home with beneficial aromas, taking them in supplements, adding them to your personal care routine, and creating all kinds of unique and custom blends and products for your home. Whether you are a DIY queen or want your products convenient and ready to go, everything you need will be at your fingertips. And the best part? All of this is figured out for you. Just wait until you tap into our endless resources, ideas, suggestions, and education.

How to use essential oils

Because remember? I know you. You’re out there trying to give yourself and your loved ones the very best. You’re investing in your future and you care about the sustainability and integrity of the products you use. Young Living has been leading this industry for 25 years. They’re not jumping onto a trend or bandwagon, they created it. They pioneered a movement when everyone thought they were crazy. And we all know that’s where the best and most life-changing discoveries are made. From sheep grazing their lavender fields next to a castle in France as toxin-free weed management to an award-winning green corporate building in Utah, to schools being built in communities so field workers’ children can attend school, to a Seed to Seal promise for every drop of oil that is tested and shipped out to you, Young Living is where the standards of the last century meet the innovations of the next.

Why Young Living

My Promise to You

if you sign up with me

While those who join our community are surprised and delighted with their products, the perk that never fails to shock and awe them is the community. Forget the lonely existence of Google searching and wishing you had someone to go to with your questions. You are about to be adopted into a family that takes care of their own. Whether you simply want to sleep better, lower your stress, support your child’s skin or digestive health, or you want an extra stream of income that could become a game-changer, we have the tools you need to equip you. Our job is to make it simple, you only have to show up and enjoy the provision!

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•  learn about essential oils •

Where is our journey going to begin?

My favorite kits to get started on your journey

click on the starter kit to learn more how you can change your life with one little click

Member A., texas mom of 2

"This is an amazing testimonial from a downline member! They are gushing about how you helped them and how the products have changed thier life"

"A true game changer."

Member A., texas mom of 2

"This is an amazing testimonial from a downline member! They are gushing about how you helped them and how the products have changed thier life"

"testimonial 2."

Member A., texas mom of 2

"This is an amazing testimonial from a downline member! They are gushing about how you helped them and how the products have changed thier life"

"testimonial 3."

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Current Events

When: month 01, 2020
Kind: Make n' take
Where: 123 Sally way Boston, ma
time: 6pm
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When: month 01, 2020
Kind: Make n' take
Where: 123 Sally way Boston, ma
time: 6pm
reserve your spot